exploring the science of the mind
exploring the science of the mind
did you know?
The social cost for society, families and the country is significant and often unseen and unreported. Calls to the Samaritans reached a record high of 5.7 million in 2016.
Samaritans 2017
GP’s say 65% of all appointments have a stress related cause
Stress is not just a work issue; it is a social issue that affects work.
Organisations can play a big part in solving the problem, and helping their bottom line.
How happy people are at work, their levels of wellbeing, directly affects the quality of their work, their productivity, and the bottom line for the company.
Andrew Oswald
Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science
University of Warwick

At least one in six workers experiences common mental health problems, including anxiety and depression. Our research shows work is the biggest cause of stress in people’s lives, more so than debt or financial problems.
Mind 2017
“Work related stress accounts for 37% of work related ill health and 45% of days lost in 2015/16”
Paul Buckley, HSE 2017

The predominant causes of work related stress are workload (particularly tight deadlines), lack of support, bullying and change.
ONS Labour force survey & HSE
what we do…
We offer workshops and coaching in
Stress Management and
The Psychology of Leadership
Stress Management and
The Psychology of Leadership
We introduce the research and discoveries of:
Enhancing Wellness,
Enhancing Mental and Physical Health.
Working and Thinking better.
How to be optimistic, strong and resilient,
How to overcome difficulties and improve the way we function.
How to live excellently. How to work excellently.
Here’s one of our favourite professors on positive psychology
Martin Seligman, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania,
one of the most cited psychologists in the last 100 years.
Martin Seligman, Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania,
one of the most cited psychologists in the last 100 years.
stress management…

stress management workshops
enhancing motivation engagement resilience

all in the mind
Why does IQ fall under pressure? How is decision-making and judgement affected by stress? Why do we think and behave differently?
Using the latest technology to allow you to see, as well as explore the latest advances in neuro-psychology. Learn how to maximise the power of the brain in a demanding world.
Discover tips and techniques to help you nurture the mind, make the most of who you are and fulfil your potential.
The best workshop I have ever been on.

performance under pressure
How can we retain clarity of thinking, energy and motivation whilst under pressure? How can we switch off after work and be fresh in the morning? How can we rise above the pressure and avoid the consequences of stress? Using a combination of cognitive psychology and the physiology of pressure we help build resilience and sustainability at work – and beyond.
This workshop explores what is known about how pressure affects the functions of the brain, altering some key neural processes vital in high intensity and critical roles. We open discussions about the issues and solutions surrounding performance under pressure.
I particularly liked the tips on how to relieve stress as this can be applied daily and help improve my overall work performance long term.
The best workshop I have ever been on.
I particularly liked the tips on how to relieve stress as this can be applied daily and help improve my overall work performance long term.

embracing change
Change is a natural part of human existence. So why is it sometimes so difficult to adapt to change? And what can we do about it? Change is challenging, however we are the most adaptable species on the planet.
Explore what modern psychology reveals are the things we can do to adapt quickly, positively and constructively, liberating us to take advantage of the opportunities that will always be offered during change.
Now I understand what happened during that big change, and what we could have done.

working in teams
How can we make sure working in a team is enjoyable and productive? What gets in the way of achieving that? What can we do about it, to help ourselves, and others in the team?
Human’s evolved working together in teams. The science of group dynamics is well understood and easy to grasp. Combined with simple practical principals from behavioural psychology to create a practical and accessible approach to working in teams.
Insightful, practical and rewarding.
This is going to help me immensely in all of my life, at work and at home.
Now I understand what happened during that big change, and what we could have done.
This is going to help me immensely in all of my life, at work and at home.

In search of a still and peaceful mind? Mindfulness is the fastest growing alternative approach to achieving a calm and clear self. A synthesis of the ancient and the new – old traditions and the latest neuro-psychology and now approved by NICE for use in the NHS.
Subtle, life changing and profound.
Beautiful… Did not realise how this links to everyday work.
Find out about the science of mindfulness here:
let us help you achieve your goals…
leadership psychology
inspiring motivation engagement resilience
the psychology of leadership
How does the way leaders think affect how they lead? What does the science of motivation reveal about the key components of employee engagement?
Explore how neuroscience, cognitive and behavioural psychology can assist leaders and those they work with. Discover the 4 secrets science reveals will help your leadership presence. The bio-chemistry of motivation is the key that inspires individual and team productivity and engagement.
We help leaders to build confidence and improve their skills by gaining a better understanding of how the human mind works.
Every (leader) in the company should go on this course. Should probably be taught in schools too!
inspiring teams under pressure
What happens to individuals in teams under pressure? How can behavioural psychology help? Can leaders use psychology and science to improve motivation, engagement, resilience and productivity?
Neuroscience and psychology have revealed many fascinating secrets of the mind that are at the leading edge of modern business tools. Leaders understanding a few simple techniques from neuro-psychology can build greater motivation and engagement in those they work with and make progress towards achieving more objectives.
Discover the research that reveals clearly what individuals are looking for in leaders.
It was a good reminder of how your team perceive you, how my behaviour affects stress … and how I can better manage both.
Every (leader) in the company should go on this course. Should probably be taught in schools too!
It was a good reminder of how your team perceive you, how my behaviour affects stress … and how I can better manage both.
let us help you achieve your goals…
coaching conversations
creating motivation engagement resilience
coaching conversations for professional development
Over the last decade brilliant research has led to a revolution in understanding the dynamics of how we think, why we are the way we are, and how we can enhance the way we work and lead.
During our coaching conversations, we will help to increase people’s awareness, change their thinking and behaviour and explore together how this can accelerate professional development.
Discuss and explore ways of thinking and responding to the demands of work and life. We provide these coaching conversations to all levels, from the most senior to those just starting out in an organisation. Offered 1:1 or in small groups.
Discover new approaches to professional development and personal wellbeing.
let us help you achieve your goals…

bespoke minds@work
tailor made to fit…
If you have specific needs and objectives, or just want something completely different, lets us know and we will create something unique for you.
We have recently delivered workshops entitled ‘The Power of Optimism’ and ‘The Science of Thank you.’
We don’t charge development costs for our unique programmes.